Returning the Develop + Rewiring the story

Hello everyone! It's Bearz, It has been a while Since the last post After the demo was release for a jam game in May this year and I am so sorry for being gone so long, I thought I was going to update the game in next few months but I was Completely burned out of after making the game so I took a long break from Developing, and  i am sorry for not letting you yall know, but I have returned to Develop now So let's get in the rest of Devlog!


As it says in the Title, I am rewire the story Completely, Reasoning why is it just Doesn't make sense anymore After seeing the docs i wrote on, it Supposed to be only one day and like 3 endings and a Hour
Of gameplay but seeing now, it's really not enough to tell the story of Ella and Alora, how they get to know Each other, seeing Care for each other and how and why Develop feelings? I wanted Expand the story Of them and Explore the possibility of Childhood friends to slowly becoming lovers or Staying at friends because they don't want to Ruin their friendship and  Possibly many more I could think of possible endings, because of it I will added 7 days About of Hanging out Alora again and added more endings then 3, and renamed the game of "one week of Spring with her" Although I only have a little Experience of coding from few months ago but I will take my time to write and develop for my Mental health and Energy,


I have a pretty long to do list that I need to check for the game process but I only one step at a time for the 7 Days so I just need to plan of day 1 for now

-Rewire the story only of day 1

-Coding for Day 1 (might have to Relearn to code)

-Redraw the Characters Sprites

-Trying to draw backgrounds

-Expand and Analyze the story and endings

I be Focus on one day at a time Until Day 7, It might be a long process for me as new to Coding but I will do this for Telling a Story about two childhood friends Spending time together for a week before they Separate Again,

That's all for this devlog post and wish me luck with the process!

Get One week of spring with her

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